Tuesday, January 1, 2013

We Want A King

1 Samuel 8 tells a really interesting story that at first may seem very irrelevant to youth today.. but take a closer look.  God made Israel special, set apart for himself. They were to be ruled by judges, not Kings like other nations so they'd remember God was truly their king.  But they got looking at everyone else and started to feel maybe they were missing out (starting to sound familiar ;)  They wanted to be like everyone else (now you see it!) which was EXACTLY what God didn't want.  Notice what God said to Samuel... "It's me they are rejecting".  You see, he recognized that the people had put him on the throne as their King but now they were changing their mind... what everyone else had was calling to them... and they were caving in to it.

God didn't force them and he doesn't force anyone today.

I love that before God gave in to their request he laid out the consequences VERY clearly. (Read it in verses 10-21 in chapter 8. Great story!) So they knew the consequences, they knew the choice and God let them make it.

You can read on to find out that EVERY single consequence they were warned about...YUP - they all happened to them.

You see, today things are no different.  Choices are right there for teens to make every day (for all ages too) and God is the same gentleman who still who lays out the consequences for us and lets us chose.

I love Joshua 24:15 "Chose this day who you will serve..... As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". 

Consequences... they are clear.  The choice... it is yours. Who is your king?


  1. This is really great, Jodi. It always thrills m to see a post on Facebook about your missions trips and the other work you do for the worlds needy. There is so much in Scripture about taking care of widows, orphans, and "foreigners" amongst us. May you be richly blest in 2013!
    With love.
    A. Norma.

  2. Very interesting indeed. If we read further we see that God did his children exactly what they wanted a king named Saul, if you check into his name it literally means "you asked for it" How often does God give us what we ask for and then realize it was the wrong thing. God does have a way of teaching us His ways are best. Today I can say with great confidence and assurance that Jesus is my King. I am blessed to be part of His eternal Kingdom. Have a blessed day Jodi!
