Sunday, February 3, 2013

Enough to Convict?

Have you ever considered this question...

If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? 

I posed this question to my youth group this week. It's an interesting one to think about.  What behavior or actions should people see that would differentiate you from a non-believer, or what behavior and actions should people NOT see in you as a Christian?

You might be asking...What about believing? Isn't it enough? I mean, is it really that big of a deal what people see or don't see, God sees my heart?

Probably you are familiar with John 3:16 "For God so loved the world he gave his only son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have eternal life".  So maybe you are hoping to get by on sheer belief? You say, "I'm good and I believe"! Well, before you get too comfortable in that space, let me challenge you to a reading from James 2:19-20 "You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God.  Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.  How foolish! Can't you see that faith without good deeds is useless?"

You see, from what I can gather as I study the word... belief matters, but believing isn't enough.  I mean it's pretty scary when you think if it.... even the Devil believes and I'm not thinking he'll be bunking next to me in heaven ;)  True belief takes us to a place of understanding who God is.  That takes us to a place of decision, do we or don't we want to make him Lord of our lives?  A "yes" opens our heart and life to him.  REALLY KNOWING GOD means we give him space in our lives. Space to come in and fill us with who he is. God deposits his own Spirit in you when you open your heart to him. THAT changes you! THAT is something others will see in you. 

Showing compassion to a kid at school who is treated unkindly.  Sacrificing a "perk" in your life to give to some in need.  Obeying your parents when it means you don't get to do what you want.  Doing what's right when it might cost you popularity.  Setting limits and sticking to them.  Dressing in a way that shows you respect your purity (girls).  Watching your speech.  Being honest with your schoolwork.  Speaking kindly of others - NO gossip! I could go on..... 

I remember being a teen.  I remember how badly I wanted to fit in and be accepted.  I get it.  It's hard to trust that surrending your life to God is the best adventure you could ever have.   It's hard to believe all heaven's power and peace will fill your life.  You look around, it's just so hard to see it, everyone is doing their "thing" and it seems so fun.  It's your choice.  God is waiting to really show you who he is, to radically transform your life.... so that your answer to the the question will be...


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pass the salt.. or not!

I always enjoy my Sunday nights at church with the senior teens.  They are so much fun!  This week we discussed the very familiar passage in Matt: 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth".  I know, I know... you've heard it a million times before but read on!  For our little group our objective is always to understand the practical application. 

"How does this passage from the bible affect my everyday life in high school?"
So... salt... what about it? Well... Let's see.
It adds flavor.  It absorbs.  It melts coldness.  It creates thirst.
So if "you are the salt" how should that look in your life as a high school student?
Take this little test.  Rate yourself on the salt scale from 1 (not salty) to 5 (very salty).
Flavor: Would you put salt on your mashed potatoes if salt tasted like mashed potatoes? NO! Salt doesn't blend in, it's not the same flavor.. It's different.  Sprinkle just a little and your food comes to life.  Joyful for the taste buds! Do you blend or do you add flavor? 
Absorbs: I think we'd all agree teens have their share of pain and struggles.  Are you a friend to others?  Do you listen and share their struggles?  Do you show love to others even if it affects your own status and popularity? 
Melts coldness: It's good on our mashed potatoes (I'm an Island girl ok... 2 references to potatoes) yet it keeps us from ending up in the ditch when driving on icy Canadian winter roads.  Do you come across as icy and cold or warm and approachable by those not in your circle of friends?
Creates thirst: Nothing goes better with a bag of salt and vinegar chips than an ice cold Dr. Pepper!  Do you create a desire for others to know the Jesus you call your Savior?  When they hang with you do they want to know what you have that they might be missing?
How did you score?  If you are < 10 out of 20 possible salty points then I want to challenge you this week.  Spend time talking with God and think about his declaration that as his child you are the salt of the earth

Commit yourself to God afresh today.  Be a salty kinda Christian!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

We Want A King

1 Samuel 8 tells a really interesting story that at first may seem very irrelevant to youth today.. but take a closer look.  God made Israel special, set apart for himself. They were to be ruled by judges, not Kings like other nations so they'd remember God was truly their king.  But they got looking at everyone else and started to feel maybe they were missing out (starting to sound familiar ;)  They wanted to be like everyone else (now you see it!) which was EXACTLY what God didn't want.  Notice what God said to Samuel... "It's me they are rejecting".  You see, he recognized that the people had put him on the throne as their King but now they were changing their mind... what everyone else had was calling to them... and they were caving in to it.

God didn't force them and he doesn't force anyone today.

I love that before God gave in to their request he laid out the consequences VERY clearly. (Read it in verses 10-21 in chapter 8. Great story!) So they knew the consequences, they knew the choice and God let them make it.

You can read on to find out that EVERY single consequence they were warned about...YUP - they all happened to them.

You see, today things are no different.  Choices are right there for teens to make every day (for all ages too) and God is the same gentleman who still who lays out the consequences for us and lets us chose.

I love Joshua 24:15 "Chose this day who you will serve..... As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". 

Consequences... they are clear.  The choice... it is yours. Who is your king?

New Year, New Blog

Today seems like the perfect day for something new! A new year and a new blog. I'm going for it!  2012 stirred up inside of me a real deep desire to invest into the lives of the young people in my life.  I love to connect and share with so many but distance and time are always an issue.  As I reflected on 2012 and looked to what I could do in 2013 to encourage and speak into the lives of the young folks I care so deeply about...blogging came to mind.  My plan: Short & Sweet.  When God is sharing something from his word with me as I pray and read the bible.... I plan to share it on my blog. 

My desire is help you young folks hear and follow God so that you can really know him and experience his peace, joy and power in your lives as you make your way through the difficult teenage years and into your 20's where you have to try and find your place in the world.

So... It's on...